Prometheus Registry

A PrometheusRegistry represents the concurrently shared state which holds the information of the metrics in question.

You can view this as the entry-point to any metrics. It collects and keeps the relevant data for all of the metrics.

Caution: Only a single metric with a given name can be registered with a PrometheusRegistry, attempting to register a metric with the same name twice, will yield an error.

On Creation

Due to how prometheus scraping occurs, only one PrometheusRegistry is generally useful per application. There are generally 2 approaches.

  1. Create your own registry. Register Metrics with it. Expose that.

    • Advantages: Full Control Of the Code
  2. Use the global PrometheusRegistry.defaultRegistry

    • Advantages: Easier Interop with Java libraries that may not give an option for interaction with arbitrary CollectorRegistries.


import io.chrisdavenport.epimetheus._
import cats.effect._


Creating Your Own Registry

You can build your own registry. We generally recommend this approach as it keeps full control of the metrics in your own hands, as well as testability and repeatability.

With this approach you will generally create a registry for your application, and pass it down to individual components. Which can initialize and register their individual metrics into this shared space.

  for {
    pr <-[IO]
  } yield pr
// res0: IO[PrometheusRegistry[IO]] = Map(
//   ioe = Delay(
//     thunk = io.chrisdavenport.epimetheus.PrometheusRegistry$$$Lambda$11197/0x00007fa08dea8210@100d5752,
//     event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
//   ),
//   f = <function1>,
//   event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
// )

You can build your own registry with the default Hotspot Metrics registered with it automatically

  for {
    pr <- PrometheusRegistry.buildWithDefaults[IO]
  } yield pr
// res1: IO[PrometheusRegistry[IO]] = Map(
//   ioe = FlatMap(
//     ioe = Delay(
//       thunk = io.chrisdavenport.epimetheus.PrometheusRegistry$$$Lambda$11197/0x00007fa08dea8210@26ae091e,
//       event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
//     ),
//     f = io.chrisdavenport.epimetheus.PrometheusRegistry$$$Lambda$11200/0x00007fa08df0e238@2dd90d4d,
//     event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
//   ),
//   f = <function1>,
//   event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
// )

or you can do it yourself.

  for {
    pr <-[IO]
    _ <- Collector.Defaults.registerDefaults(pr)
  } yield pr
// res2: IO[PrometheusRegistry[IO]] = FlatMap(
//   ioe = Delay(
//     thunk = io.chrisdavenport.epimetheus.PrometheusRegistry$$$Lambda$11197/0x00007fa08dea8210@1b64a60f,
//     event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
//   ),
//   f = <function1>,
//   event = cats.effect.tracing.TracingEvent$StackTrace
// )

Dealing with the global

Most of the rest of the java community however has used a singleton collector registry. We expose this collector, as well as a method which initializes the default metrics into the default. This leaves access to the Registry outside of your control, and not necessarily within the call graph of your application.

You have access to the global pool automatically.

// res3: PrometheusRegistry[IO] = io.chrisdavenport.epimetheus.PrometheusRegistry@4dd4ba84


Regardless which strategy you choose to use to get access to your PrometheusRegistry, you will need to have one to work and build your metrics moving forward. It is the fundamental shared space on which metrics, and groups of metrics are based upon.